Friday, April 17, 2020

Moving My Writing Forward

Originally written in 2/12/2020

Do you roll your eyes when you spot my profile picture and another block of text on your timeline? Do my self-reflective musings come across as self-obsessed?

I hope not. I hope my words are inviting. I write about myself because I know myself best- or at least I’m driven to know myself better. I repeat myself because conflicts reoccur. Progress doesn’t happen overnight. Some days, months, seasons, are less eventful than others. (Hello, Winter... ) New beginnings may be on the horizon. Maybe. But I’m currently living in a loop. Where nothing notably new is occurring.

I captured bits and pieces of my life in my writings over the course of a year. What’s next? I still don’t have an answer to this question. I don’t see much of a point in writing anymore. I achieved the one year goal I set out to achieve. Simply writing is not as much of a challenge as it once was. And everything feels contrived. The same themes resurface. And Paulism’s run amuck. Writing habits. Some of which I assume are good, others of which I’m sure are bad. Everything so Paul-centric, with little external input is hardly a recipe for improvement.

I love to be heard, but feeding my ego with attention is not the point. I yearn for an evolution of style and content... but I want this evolution to be well-informed. I want other people to be involved. I want to expand my platform... heighten the message... strengthen my voice.

I don’t believe I’ll ever stop writing and sharing my thoughts. It’s become too ingrained into my routine. But I will be more mindful about what it is I write and how often I share it. Challenge myself to write differently and on different subjects. And seek out your feedback.

Are you on this journey with me?

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