Wednesday, November 20, 2019

It's Survey Day On The LIRR

Originally written 9/28/2019

It’s survey day on the LIRR. That one time of year that they hit me with a customer feedback survey during the commute. It’s always a cheerful person. Smiling and full of “thank you’s”. If only all of the LIRR employees I interact with on a nearly daily basis were just as friendly....

Just last weekend I witnessed a disgruntled LIRR conductor pounding on the bathroom door, chasing down a young man attempting to dodge the three dollars and change local fare. Apparently, the young man was a repeat offender, and the conductor wasn’t having it. The young man exited the bathroom... and a heated verbal exchange ensued between the two. What disturbed me the most was the aggression that the conductor exhibited. He was on the job. In theory, he should remain composed. But he didn’t. He yelled loudly. Calling the young man out. Making a scene that drew everyone’s attention. I’m not defending the young man... I agree that he was a punk. But I was appalled by the conductor’s outlandish, unprofessional behavior and the knowledge that there would be no repercussions.

Long story short - not every LIRR employee is smiling like the sweet woman who handed me this survey. In fact, many appear to be quite miserable. I get that LIRR conductors deal with a lot of shit. Late night trains packed with drunk imbeciles. Train delays/cancellations beyond their control. And the occasional fare dodger sneaking his way around. But none of that is a legitimate enough excuse to act like a madman. If the job is making you that unhappy, please try and find something new. Your psychotic behavior is dragging your company’s already struggling reputation further into the ground.

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