Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Do I Belong?

Photo by Fabrizio Verrecchia on Unsplash
Question for you: What does it mean to belong?
I shared this on social media in early May... but forgot to share this on my blog until now.

An endless expanse of blue sky. Palm trees waving in the wind. Flowers sprouting out of the ground as we exit spring and enter the summer. They’re all so perfect and appear to be exactly where they belong. No one is questioning them or their existence which I can’t help but envy.

I don’t want anyone questioning me anymore. Because I am also perfect and I belong. Must I shout these words out from the mountaintops and repeat them to make them truer? What must I do to earn my keep? There’s no question you can ask... nothing you can say or do to strip me of my worth! Or is there...?

I think, therefore, I am. I say I belong, therefore, I do. I exist, therefore, I am worthy. But is that really how the world works? Or must I bear the burden of having to prove my worth to someone other than myself? Is there something I must do to validate my existence on this planet? Is there a possibility I might fail? And that I am nothing? Something that does not fit in or deserves to be discarded?

Is life a gift? Or is it a proving ground?

So many questions. Too few answers. But the pursuit of truth invigorates me. In this confusing realm of questions, I flourish. I aim to not take anything I think know for granted. Keep seeking answers. And, in times of doubt, look towards the light inside myself.

I am perfect and I belong. I know this because my heart and mind tell me so, even though, sometimes, they don’t.

I know this because I MUST belong. I refuse to live thinking any other way. I am defiant, and I am here to stay.

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