Monday, October 22, 2018

Too Much Coffee: Happy Accidents and Just Keep Running

Happy Accidents


Maybe you trip and fall on town property and find yourself with a millionaire dollar check in the bank.
Or maybe you spill red wine on your white dress shirt and come to appreciate the unique pattern of pink splotches it leaves behind.
Alas, we may not always understand them in the moment or foresee their positive impact, but happy accidents are a beautiful thing to experience.
It’s easy to become caught up in planning. Routine. A clear, straight pathway from Point A to Point B. It’s scary to think of the diversions you may encounter along the way.
Planning is important, but so is being open to the novel experiences that may intrude. Who knows where they may lead you? The unexpected won’t necessarily lead to the unwanted. So do be open. Listen. Understand. Take in. Let life screw things up. Welcome the intrusion. Because odds are you can’t fight it.
See where that screw up takes you, and learn to roll with it. Down a hill... up a hill... into the lake. Progress is rarely linear. So learn to swim. Adapt. And reassess what it is that you want and need in the scope of what life is offering you. Bring on the happy accidents.

Just Keep Running


Just keep running. Just keep running. Just keep running.
Sometimes, it doesn’t matter where. To. Or from. Sometimes, you just have to keep running. Mobilize yourself. Move. Live. Don’t pace yourself, the struggle reminds you that you’re alive.
Sooo... just keep running. Just keep running.
You’re ALIVE. Show it. Run. Run.
Keep it up. Prove your worth.
Run. Even if it’s straight into a brick wall. Welcome the pain, the grind, the struggle, and don’t take no for answer. Relish the conflict that awakens you, reminds you of your own mortality and limitations, but don’t take no for an answer.
Find a brick wall? Vigorously throw yourself into it. Slam your body against it in defiance. You will find a way. You will find a way. And even if you don’t, at least you died trying. You died fighting the good fight. You fought for yourself. Self-destruction is beautiful thing because you’re the one in charge. #SARCASM

#TOOMUCHCOFFEE The results of too much early morning coffee and fingers typing furiously on an iPhone, this is the second part of this series. Check out part 1 of the series here. 

Also, in case you missed it, check out a more serious piece: Dancer Identity Crisis: Am I Still A Dancer/Does It Matter?

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