Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Writer's Block... RAMBLE

Writers block. I have it right now. That and procrastination. There’s so much I should be doing. That I should be writing. But none of it is taking place. It’s that time of the semester where all the work just piles up, and there’s nothing you can do but complain about it. That or actually do the work. But what fun would that be?
                Well, soon enough summer will be here. Yes, I’ll be working during the summer so it won’t all be free relaxation, but it will certainly be a great break from school. I’m sort of glad I won’t have absolute freedom this summer. Too much time on your hands becomes boring, and makes me feel unmotivated to get up each and every morning. It’s nice to have some sort of routine with obligations.
I’m going to make this blog post short.  Just saying, so don’t expect some elaborate piece.
Anyway, moving on… so one of the papers I have due in a few days is on Frankenstein  by Mary Shelley and education. When you hear Frankenstein, you probably imagine some friendly monster grunting and tap dancing to “Putting on the Ritz”… (well..maybe I’m weird).  

But this isn’t the case. The tale of Frankenstein is not so light-hearted, rather it is a tale of murder, destruction, and social otherness. Not so cheery topics. Not at all.
                As my professor has noted, the book is actually a very feminist book and a critique of society and education as a whole. It’s interesting to see the depth of ideas conveyed in one book, but I kinda wish things weren’t analyzed so deeply. And that I could go back to seeing Frankenstein tap dancing on the stage to “Putting on the Ritz”.  But the sad reality is that I can’t.
Bert and Ernie- closet homosexuals? Mister Rogers- pedophile? Disney princesses-sexist and racist? Pewee Herman- pervert? When you were younger you never thought about those things… you mostly never cared about those things. AND THEN… you grow up. And everything fine and dandy (yes, I used that word) now appears corrupt and disturbed.
                Don’t get me wrong, there’s an indispensable value in learning to be an active observer and critic of the world around you, but that doesn’t mean I don't dream that the sweet, stupid bliss of childhood could sweep me away.
The End. Time to stop my procrastination and write…or maybe sleep.

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